Friday 27 August 2010

Keeping in the Loop

As Aussies overseas we have tried to keep in contact with family, friends and news events. Each weekend, I check on how Geelong have been performing in preparing for another attempt at the AFL premiership.

But over the past month I have been focused on developments in our national politics, and how strange a picture it has been. When I left the country, Labour was riding high in the saddle. They had steered us through the worst of the GFC, their policies in education, the environment, and broadband seemed to be popular. Kevin Rudd's high poll ratings made him look invincible. The Libs were still sorting through the rubble of Abbott and Turnbull.

Well, how wrong we were. The political world changed dramatically while our backs were turned. Next thing I know, Julia Gillard has eliminated Rudd and an election has been called. Cabinet leaks, mad monks and warnings of invasions by asylum seekers and what appears to have been a directionless, bland and negative campaign have seen Labour's fortunes disappear and have led to this nil result.

We have listened to excellent ABC radio programs like Life Matters, Background Briefing and Counterpoint to keep abreast of developments. Also, Gruen Nation and Yes We Canberra have allowed us to be entertained and see some of the worst of political advertising.

This pathetic attempt to capture the middle ground by providing visionless policy has left us all feeling numb. The media is also to blame, with its horse race focus on polls and personalities. Stories of crocs choosing prime ministers, filleting fish, kicking footballs and standing under cars are trite and frustrating to the thinking voter.

And I used to think it wasn't as bad as in the US. How wrong I was.

I do like Phillip Adams' proposal to put a time limit on political election advertising.
3 minutes.
Remove these hit and run adverts and force our politicians to fill in the time with ideas that require some justification and argument.

We deserve better.

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